A renewed National Arts and Disability Strategy

In September 2017, the Meeting of Cultural Ministers agreed to renew the National Arts and Disability Strategy in consultation with arts and disability stakeholders. Ministers ran an initial public consultation from 24 September to 3 December 2018. Nearly 700 individuals and organisations participated in the consultation. Public submissions and results of the consultation are available on the Trove archive of the consultation page, or you can download the report below. A Discussion Paper and Research Overview supported this consultation.

In October 2019, the Meeting of Cultural Ministers agreed to explore opportunities for closer alignment with the National Disability Strategy, consistent with feedback received from the sector. The next phase of targeted consultations on the National Disability Strategy was delayed due to COVID-19, which has necessarily caused delays to the renewal of the National Arts and Disability Strategy. The Department of Social Services is progressing work on renewing the National Disability Strategy.

Along with the 2018 consultation on the National Arts and Disability Strategy, the outcomes of the consultation on the National Disability Strategy will help inform a renewed National Arts and Disability Strategy.

All Australian governments remain committed to improving access to and participation in the arts by people with disability, and the current National Arts and Disability Strategy continues indefinitely until it is renewed. Further information about the National Disability Strategy is available on the Department of Social Service's website.

A Discussion Paper and Research Overview supported the first consultation and are available below:

Key results of the national consultation

Discussion Paper

Research Overview of Arts and Disability in Australia

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that this document includes names and photographs of people who have died.

National Arts and Disability Strategy

The National Arts and Disability Strategy's vision is for the artistic aspirations and achievements of people with a disability to be a valued and visible part of Australian culture.

The National Arts and Disability Strategy is a framework for jurisdictions to assess and improve existing activities, consider new opportunities and directions, and identify new partnerships and initiatives.

The Strategy is the result of extensive consultation, including 115 submissions made in response to a discussion paper released in late 2008, targeted consultation with arts and disability peak bodies, and consultation with government agencies at all levels.

The Strategy has eight underlying principles that guide its implementation. These include the right of all Australians to access and participate in arts and cultural activities, and the need for people with a disability to be involved in decisions that affect them.

Ministers have agreed on four priority areas for action. These are:

  1. addressing barriers to access and participation
  2. supporting arts and cultural practice amongst people with a disability
  3. developing audiences for disability arts companies and individual artists, and
  4. improving policy development and planning within governments.

The National Arts and Disability Strategy

All Audio versions include transcripts.

The National Arts and Disability Strategy Evaluation Report 2013–2015

Ministers evaluated the implementation of the original Strategy every three years, in consultation with the arts and disability sector. The second evaluation covers the period from 2013–15. The National Arts and Disability Strategy Evaluation Report 2013–15 was released in September 2017 and is the culmination of 18 months' work by all Australian, state and territory governments to review the implementation and effectiveness of the Strategy. The Evaluation Report concludes that progress was made against the Strategy, but further work was needed. It identified significant changes to the arts and disability sector since the release of the Strategy in 2009, and recommended that the Strategy should be revisited and renewed.

The National Arts and Disability Strategy Evaluation Report 2009–2012

The first evaluation was completed in October 2013 and explores the Strategy's outcomes from October 2009 to December 2012. The National Arts and Disability Strategy Evaluation Report 2009–2012 includes input from the Australian, state and territory governments, following targeted consultation with arts and disability stakeholders. The Evaluation Report was endorsed by cultural ministers in October 2014.

Contact us

You can contact us about the National Arts and Disability Strategy at arts.disability@arts.gov.au