The Indigenous Contemporary Music program was established to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians and bands. It provided opportunities and skills to develop ongoing income and employment pathways in the music industry. This program is now closed.

Who can apply
The program funded Indigenous-led organisations that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians and bands, through the provision of professional industry-based opportunities.

When to apply
Funding was provided in four rounds, once a year, from 2020 to 2023.

Funding available
Total funding of $1.5 million was provided over the life of the program.
About the program
Program background
The Indigenous Contemporary Music program has now closed. Information about projects supported by the program is available under the ‘Who we’ve funded’ tab.
The Australian Government’s National Cultural Policy Revive is putting First Nations arts and culture first. Revive recognises and respects the crucial place of First Nations stories at the centre of Australia’s arts and culture.
To learn more download Revive: A Place for Every Story, a Story for Every Place.
Other support and funding opportunities
Creative Australia administers a number of grant programs which support contemporary music projects, artists and organisations as well as specific Opportunities for First Nations artists and organisations.
Music Australia has been established within Creative Australia to support and promote the Australian contemporary music industry to increase discoverability and develop markets and audiences. It will invest to stimulate a vibrant and sustainable music industry ecosystem in which artists can thrive.
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office within APRA AMCOS offers opportunities and programs to support a self-determined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music industry.
Contemporary Music Team
Office for the Arts
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
GPO Box 594
Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: 02 6271 1711