Alt text for National Cultural Institution Key Performance Indicator Infographics 2021–22—results and trends.
2021–22 Results alt text

Arts engagement 2021–22
- Line drawing of people outside of the National Museum of Australia, National Library of Australia and the National Gallery of Australia. Text accompanying Image reads, '5.3 million visits to the National Collecting Institutions'.
- Two pie charts are used to provide the proportion of off-site and on-site visits. Pie charts depict:
- 3.3 million off-site
- 2.0 million on-site
Arts access 2021–22
- Two donut charts are used to depict percentages of visitors from across Australia accessing the National Collecting Institutions.
- On-site visitors included, 87.1% from major cities, 12.7% from inner and outer regional areas, and 0.2% from remote and very remote areas.
- Off-site visitors included, 36.2% from major cities, 61.8% from inner and outer regional areas, and 2.0% remote and very remote areas.
- The text '41.8 million website sessions' is shown within a line drawn image of a computer screen.
- An image of a thumbs up icon has accompanying text which reads, 'Visits to the National Cultural Institutions' websites included 206.7 million page-views and averaged 4.9 page-views per session'.
Arts education 2021–22
- A line drawing of a generic building is accompanied with the text, '3,028 school visits to the National Collecting Institutions'. School visits include on-site, off-site and online visits.
- Program visits line graphic depicting
- 306,645 public program visits
- 1,691,971 student program visits, which was an all‑time high
- A list of Survey Results includes:
- 97.2% teachers reported an overall positive experience of their visit (image of a star icon)
- 94.9% teachers reported relevance to the classroom curriculum (image of a tick icon)
- 79.4% public program visitors reported overall satisfaction with their experience, which was a record result (Image of a thumbs up icon)
Arts development support 2021–22
- Line drawing depicting 192 projects selected for festivals. Drawing uses an icon of representation of Australia for national projects and a globe for international projects.
- 130 national (line drawing of a map of Australia)
- 62 international (line drawing of a globe)
- Line drawing of three figures depicting an adult with two children and the text '10.9 million attendances at Australia Council supported activities'.
- Line drawing of a TV and the text '155.7 million cumulative audience of Screen Australia supported TV productions' and an additional note which explains that this was a record result for the NCI reporting period from 2012–13 to 2021–22.
- Line drawing of a figure walking up to an artwork and text '666 new Australian artworks projects supported'.
Collections 2021–22
- Line drawing of five cubes and text '12.58 million total collection size, which is an all‑time high' and an additional note which states that the total collection size 468,702 larger than 2020–21.
- Text inside an image of a computer screen and the text 'Over 2.5 million objects digitised' and an additional note which states that this is a record result.
- Text '8.8 million objects were available to the public' and an additional note which states that the total objects available to the public includes objects that were on display, online, on tour, or otherwise available to the public.
- Text '18,598 objects were available on display'.
- Text '1,924,787 objects were available online' and an additional note which states this as the highest ever result.
- Text '1,776 objects were available on tour'.
Initiatives, collaboration and volunteering 2021–22
- Line drawing of seven people with the text '1,867 volunteers generously gave their time to the National Collecting Institutions' and an additional note which states this as 114 full-time equivalent.
- Line drawing of a globe with the text '357 initiatives that strengthen ties with other countries.'.
- Line drawing of a mortar board with the text '1,278 collaborations with cultural and educational institutions.'.
2021–22 Trends

Arts engagement 2021–22
- A line graph of annual visits to the National Cultural Institutions' websites over five years.
- 2017–18—46.6 million
- 2018–19—49.5 million
- 2019–20—47.3 million
- 2020–21—43.1 million
- 2021–22—41.8 million
- A line graph of annual on-site, off-site and total visitor numbers over five years and the text 'Onsite visitor numbers continued to fall as National Collecting Institutions experienced restrictions due to COVID-19.'.
- 2017–18—10.0 million total visits, 4.6 million on-site visits, 5.4 million off-site visits
- 2018–19—10.6 million total visits, 4.5 million on-site visits, 6.1 million off-site visits
- 2019–20—11.6 million total visits, 3.3 million on-site visits, 8.3 million off-site visits
- 2020–21—7.6 million total visits, 2.6 million on-site visits, 5.0 million off-site visits
- 2021–22—5.3 million total visits, 2.1 million on-site visits, 3.3 million off-site visits
Arts audience and attendance 2021–22
- A line drawing of a TV and people and text listing the annual cumulative audience of Screen Australia supported TV productions over five years.
- 2021–22—155.7 million, which is noted as a record result.
- 2020–21—148.5 million
- 2019–20—1115.8 million
- 2018–19—130.8 million
- 2017–18—113.2 million
- The 2021–22 figure includes an additional note which states that the result is a 'record result for the NCI reporting period from 2012–13 to 2021–22.'.
- A line graph depicting annual attendance at Australia Council supported activities over five years, including line drawings of a violin, megaphone and theatre masks.
- 2017–18—22.7 million
- 2018–19—22.6 million
- 2019–20—25.5 million
- 2020–21—20.9 million
- 2021–22—10.9 million
- The 2021–22 figure includes an additional note which states 'COVID-19 disruptions, including national, state and territory COVID-19 safety measures such as border closures, social distancing requirements, public gathering limitations, and COVID isolation requirements; audience confidence levels post-COVID restrictions; and extreme weather events impacted levels of attendance in 2021–22.'.
Arts education 2021–22
- A bar graph depicts the annual proportion of student and public program visits over five years. Explanatory text reads, 'The number of school visits continued to fall as National Collecting Institutions and schools experienced restrictions due to COVID-19'
- 2021–22*—1,998,616 total visits comprising 1,691,971 student program visits, which is noted as a record result, and 306,645 public program visits.
- 2020–21*—1,819,172 total visits comprising 1,553,302 student program visits and 265,870 public program visits
- 2019–20*—1,341,079 total total visits comprising 854,291 student program visits and 486,788 public program visits
- 2018–19*—1,497,906 total visits comprising 784,991 student program visits and 712,915 public program visits
- 2017–18—1,621,891 total visits comprising 936,879 student program visits and 685,012 public program visits
An additional note states '*Since 2018–19, student program visits include students engaging with virtual excursions and online courses.'.
- A line drawing of a bus depicting the annual number of schools that visited on-site and off‑site over five years.
- 2017–18—6,434
- 2018–19—6,549
- 2019–20—5,135
- 2020–21—2,138
- 2021–22—1,008
Collection development 2021–22
- A line drawing of an increasing number of cubes representing how the annual number of objects in our national collections is increasing
- 2017–18—10.7 million objects in the national collection and 7.6 million objects available to the public
- 2018–19—11.3 million objects in the national collection and 8.1 million objects available to the public
- 2019–20—11.9 million objects in the national collection and 8.7 million objects available to the public
- 2020–21—12.1 million objects in the national collection and 8.7 million objects available to the public
- 2021–22—12.6 million objects in the national collection and 8.8 million objects / 70.2% available to the public, which is noted as a record result
Arts digitisation and online access 2021–22
- Line drawings of five computer screens increasing in size, representing the number of objects digitised in our national collections annually over five years
- 2017–18—1.1 million
- 2018–19—1.2 million
- 2019–20—2.1 million*. An additional note states '*The significant increase in digitised items in 2019–20 is due to the inclusion of born digital items by one National Collecting Institution for the first time'
- 2020–21—2.4 million
- 2021–22—2.5 million, which is noted as a record result. An additional note, in the form of a speech bubble, states 20.1% of the collection digitised.
- The text 'The proportion of objects available to the public online is increasing' and line drawings of eyes next to the percentages
- 2017–18—8.3%
- 2021–22—15.3%, which is a record result
Arts development and support 2021–22
- A line drawing of a film reel and a screen and the text 'Number of projects supported*'. An additional note states '*2020–21 & 2021–22 show a fall in number of new Australian artwork projects supported due to the change in methodology used in 2019–20 applied by one of the institutions (change from counting individual artworks to counting discreet projects).'.
- 2017–18—10,461 new Australian artwork projects and 509 culturally diverse projects and events
- 2018–19—9,966 new Australian artwork projects and 484 culturally diverse projects and events
- 2019–20—11,414 new Australian artwork projects and 1,157 culturally diverse projects and events
- 2020–21—688 new Australian artwork projects and 630 culturally diverse projects and events
- 2021–22—666 new Australian artwork projects and 626 culturally diverse projects and events
- A bar graph depicting of the number of projects selected for festivals, accompanied by line drawings of a musical note, tickets and a pencil
- 2021–22—130 national and 62 international
- 2020–21—121 national and 59 international
- 2019–20—163 national and 99 international
- 2018–19—147 national and 117 international
- 2017–18—53 national and 51 international