An online portal is providing educators with access to easy to use, carefully designed and co-created resources.

Left: Perth School students reading digital stories shared by First Nations communities. Right: Liddia Mosquito, Gija student on Gija Country.
Left: Perth School students reading digital stories shared by First Nations communities. Right: Liddia Mosquito, Gija student on Gija Country.

The SharingStories Foundation has partnered with 11 First Nations partner communities to create Jajoo Warrngara: The Culture Clasroom.

With support from the Indigenous Languages and Arts Program, Jajoo Warrngara provides access to language rich, community produced content and related educational resources for grades K-10. 

The resources have been co-developed on Country and guided by Custodians, providing schools and educators with over 60 culturally appropriate, place-based unit plans which support the embedding of First Nations perspectives in the classroom.

Jajoo Warrngara includes community Cultural Protocols documents, helping educators to feel confident in their ability to deliver the material in classrooms in a culturally responsive way.

Jajoo Warrngara is a subscription-based platform which returns revenue to partner communities and SharingStories to support further work with existing and new communities. SharingStories offer professional development opportunities to educators.

This project aligns with Australia’s commitment to the principals of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.