Australia's premier arts training organisations will receive a significant funding boost in the 2024–25 Federal Budget.

The Australian Government is delivering an additional $115.2 million over four years from 2024–25 to support the long-term financial sustainability of the National Arts Training Organisations, including:
- $51.9 million for the National Institute of Dramatic Art
- $23.2 million for the Australian Film, Television and Radio School
- $13.0 million for the National Aboriginal Skills Development Association Dance College
- $7.3 million for the Flying Fruit Fly Circus
- $6.5 million for the Australian Ballet School
- $6.5 million for the National Institute of Circus Arts
- $3.7 million for the Australian National Academy of Music
- $3.0 million for the Australian Youth Orchestra.
A further $36.4 million in funding will be indexed and ongoing from 2028–29 to ensure the viability of the organisations into the future.
The funding boost will restore investment in teaching excellence to enable these organisations to continue to deliver their world-class offerings, as well as delivering initiatives to improve services, accessibility and experience for students.
It follows a $9 million investment delivered in the 2023–24 Federal Budget to see the organisations through while the Government undertook a review to determine how best to ensure their long-term stability, recognising their critical role in developing Australia's most talented artists and arts workers.